Prophetic Books & Systematic Theology III   |   Date: Month of May / Time - 9.00-11.00 PM [IST] , 7:30 - 9:30 PM [UAE]       

Diploma in Theology (Dip.Th)

The Diploma of Theology is designed to provide theological education for those in ministry as well as pastors and church planters for effective leadership and ministry skills along with deeper understanding of Scripture and theology. This course provides an opportunity to enhance the understanding of scripture for those who did not get a thorough theological training. It prepares students for a holistic ministry and empowers them for a greater contribution in the ministry field. 


Course Outcome

The Diploma of Theology program imparts a general foundation in the biblical and theological disciplines. It prepares graduates who,

  1. Demonstrate an awareness of the content and meaning of the biblical canon.
  2. Contribute significantly for mission and ministry in churches and para-chruch organisation
  3. Are equipped for personal spiritual formation.
  4. Can provide effective Christian leadership in diverse organizations, institutions, and churches


Course Structure

The course structure is based on a module system followed by an Examination [total 5 Weeks] with eleven subjects of 2/3/4 credit hours taught in one academic year including intensive and guided integrated learning. Apart from the online live instructional hours students are expected to view recorded lectures/documentaries as part of the instructional hours. To qualify for the Diploma of Theology degree award, a candidate shall accrue an aggregate of at least 72 credit points. All the subjects are core subjects.


Course Content

Subjects and codes

General Studies Courses Code Credit hours
1 Introduction to Academic Writing and Research GS 111 2
  Total credit   2


Biblical studies Courses Code Credit hours
2 Bible Survey OT BS 121 3
3 Bible Survey NT BS 122 3
4 Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ BS 123 3
5 General Epistles & Hebrews BS 124 3
6 Acts of the Apostles BS 221 3
7 Pentateuch BS 222 3
8 Synoptic Gospels BS 223 3
9 Prophetic Books BS 224 3
10 Prison and Pastoral epistles BS 225 3
  Total credit   27


Theology & Ethics Courses Code Credit hours
11 Introduction to Christian Doctrine TE 131 3
12 Theology 1- Theology proper, Christology & Angelology TE 132 4
13 Theology 2- Anthropology, Hamartiology, Soteriology TE 231 4
  Total credit   11


Historical studies Courses Code Credit hours
14 Indian Church history HS141 3
15 Church history -1 up to 1550 HS 241 4
  Total credit   7


Practical Theology Courses Code Credit hours
16 Christian Education PT 151 3
17 Homiletics PT 152 3
18 Stewardship & loyalty PT 153 3
19 Pastoral Administration and Leadership PT 251 3
20 Biblical Hermeneutics PT 252 3
  Total credit   15


Science of religion Courses Code Credit hours
21 Major Religion RS 261 4
  Total credit   4


Mission studies Courses Code Credit hours
22 Church planting and Evangelism MS 171 3
23 Cultural Anthropology MS 271 3
  Total credit   6



All Dip.Th students are required to spend two days in a week in ministry assignments in their own context, under a local mentor. Local mentors work in partnership with ZLI through Practical Work Coordinator (PWC). Local mentors are identified by students during their course.  Local mentors must be suitably experienced to provide mentoring. Student must provide a written approval of agreement from the local mentor for guiding them during their course.  Field work evaluations by local mentors will be monitored by the PWC and approved by ZLI. This is mandatory for graduation.

There’s no enrollment open at the moment for this program

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